So many stories so many memories.

Created by Robert 2 years ago

The tears he brought to my eyes when he read his letter telling him of his accident whilst swimming in the sea on Holiday. What the Dutch Nurse did with his dentures whilst he was being resuscitated. How she announced in her own language "this man needs a Doctor" and the man kneeling alongside her said in the same language "I am a Doctor". Coincidences like this are only attracted to people like Roy. The letter concluded If ever there was a man with an angel on his shoulder that day it was Roy. 

A couple of weeks later on the 10th tee I handed out the usual bar of chocolate along with a Celebrations size Mars Bar to Roy. He asked "What's that for"? I told him it was for his little mate on his shoulder. He laughed so loud. 

Roy scolded me one day for calling him a Plumber. Somewhat forcefully informing me he was a gas fitter not just domestic heating gas but pressurised gasses such as Hydrogen and Acetylene. Later that day I required his phone number, he gave me his business card Royston Bayliss PLUMBER!

Where he is now I hope he can give the "little yappie dog" that bit his eye when he was a child a swift hard kick up the arse. 

Look down on me Roy and if you can point me to the balls I hit in to the rough, or if you can spare him send me your little mate I have a spare shoulder for him.

